
More reading prompts that will pull you out of that slump!


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As I type this it is half past nine on a Sunday morning, and I imagine that you, like me, are probably in the mood for something gentle and easily digestible. So, I thought I would provide you with another brief list of reading prompt ideas, suggestions that are designed to inspire you to seek out something a bit different. Or, maybe just remind you of that one book you meant to get around to reading but never did.

You can read my last reading prompt list here.

So, without further ado . . .

Read a book set on a farm

The first book that comes to mind is George Orwell's Animal Farm, which, as you could tell from the title, even if you know nothing else of the book, is set on a farm. What you might not know is that it is a satirical allegory of human society and politics. Yeah. If you fancy something a little lighter, or if you have children, maybe you could give E. B. White's Charlotte's Web a go. Though, on second thoughts, that book might just put you through the emotional wringer; maybe I was wrong to suggest it's "lighter". Well, as long as it's set on a farm it fits this category, so go find something that suits you!

Read a book you'd read on the beach

Well, this one is entirely up to you really. Maybe you love to settle down on a blanket and immerse yourself into some cosy crime novel. Or maybe, as you bathe in the sunshine, you need your book to be filled with sunshine and cocktails too. If you aren't able to get to a beach right now, maybe you'd like to read a travel book to inspire ideas about where you'd like to go next. I like Bill Bryson's writing and he has written some humorous and wonderful travel books.

Read a book that celebrates women

Or a woman. There are plenty of significant female figures from history. Whether you love science, art or literature you ought to be able to find a biography out there somewhere. Marie Curie, Rosa Parks, Emmeline Pankhurst, Mary Wollstonecraft, Florence Nightingale, Jane Austen, The Brontë sisters, Boudica are just some of the women throughout time that have influenced the course of history. Perhaps though you'd like a book such as Difficult Women by Helen Lewis, which focuses on women who changed history. Personally, I might recommend The Five by Hallie Rubenhold, which asks the question, why is it that Jack the Ripper has become an almost mythical legend figure and his victims all but forgotten? This book reminds the reader that they were real women, with real lives, and real struggles and hopes.

Read a book with food and/or drink on the cover

You may just head to the food section of your local bookshop and pull a cookery book from the shelves for this one. There are plenty of recipes out there for almost everyone's budget, ethics, and lifestyle! However, don't forget that there are plenty of other books with a foody theme, or where food features prominently. There's James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl for the kids. Or Chocolat by Joanne Harris for the grown ups. There are also non-fiction books that investigate how food is sourced and sold, such as Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation, or Food Politics by Marion Nestle. As long as there's something edible and/or drinkable on the cover, you choose.

Well, that's it for now. I don't want to overwhelm you on a Sunday morning. If you enjoyed this piece, you can buy me a coffee on ko-fi, where I regularly post updates on my blogging/writerly efforts. All support is gratefully received and very much appreciated - it keeps me writing! Thank you!

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