
My First Blog Post Ever!

Who am I?

I am a fairly ordinary guy except that I love books, and I don't know many others who share that love. However, being the kind of guy that prefers to immerse himself into a novel than mingle at a party - or any other kind of social gathering - it could just be my social circle is limited by my own introverted interests.

This is my first blog. This is my first blog post ever! I am in my mid-thirties, an old millennial, I suppose, and I am slow to embracing all the technological flim flam that was really only just breaking into consciousness - at least in my experience - when I was a young and awkward teenager.

Perhaps the joy I find in reading stems from the awkwardness of me. I don't know. And, to be honest, I am not sure that I want to know; I wouldn't want to analyse this love of mine too much. That isn't what this blog is going to be about. This blog is going to be about the ever increasing collection of books that find themselves on my shelves. I won't be posting reviews as such. I will simply be sharing my love with you and, from there, let you make up your own mind.

Why am I blogging?

I am blogging because I love the written word. As an extension of my love of reading, I have a love of writing. Whether I have any talent as a writer or not (as opposed to this just being the ramblings of another hack with internet access) I am unsure - perhaps you will be the judge of that...

If you have made it this far, thank you for sticking with me. I can only try to assure you that this will get better. Remember, this is my first post...

What will I be blogging about?

Books, books, books! All the books that I have read, am reading or about to read will be written about here. Whether those posts will be lists, How-To Guides or any other kind of layout, I will decide upon based on the book itself and what I have learned from it. Basically, whatever format best expresses my experience of the book I am reading or have read.

Who am I writing for?

Book lovers, of course!

It may well be that you find a book here that you haven't read but have been curious about for some time. It may be that you have read all the books that I will write about but that my experience of that book was different from your own. I am certain that there will be people out there that can point out a thing or two, things that they noticed from their perspective, that I may have missed when reading.

It is definitely going to be my intention to get any readers of my blog involved in a discussion, to share their thoughts and feelings about books discussed and what I have had to say about them - it's the only way I will learn.

I hope that this can be fun and informative. As I finish this first post, preparing to press publish, fairly certain that there are things I am going to have to come back and tweak later, I hope that this is the beginning of something good...

So, yeah, hi. I am Phil and it's nice to meet you.