
Being a Bookish Blogger


I am a bookish blogger. Hopefully, there are some out there that find my musings on and analyses of the books I have read interesting, and maybe even enjoyable. One can hope!

Feeling reflective, I thought I might publish a post discussing my journey as a bookish blogger thus far. And so, here we go . . .

To be honest, I can't remember what it was exactly that made me finally begin my own blog. But, I can tell you that I had been considering it for a while. It took me some time to get around to it for the simple reason that I had no idea how to go about putting a blog together, or how to get it out there to the people that might care to read it. Still, I think that that not knowing helped me in a way - because I started sort of blind, I innocently created something that was very much me, rather than built round a template.

Looking back, my first few posts were very much just me feeling my way into blogging. I was experimenting with what the world had to offer, and figuring out what it was exactly that I wanted to write about. If I am one hundred per cent honest, in those first few posts I don't think I was being all that considerate of any potential readers, or what they might want to read - I was just trying to get it right for myself!

That has changed somewhat now. When I check on the stats, I find myself making notes of what has drawn attention, what is being read the most, and using that as a reference for what I am considering publishing in the future. However, I don't think I'll be guided solely by the stats and what's popular - I want to blog because it is enjoyable, and that will always be the overriding factor, I think.

I want it to be enjoyable for you too though (if you've made it this far in to this post, perhaps I am doing something right!).

Probably the biggest plus to being a bookish blogger so far is the community of which I have find myself a part. I stepped away from my blog to try and help it grow by taking to social media, mostly on Twitter (you can follow me at philip_simons16), and I found myself welcomed into the book blogging community there. They are supportive, fun, and kind. I am not the only one to say this, I have spoken with others who have said almost exactly the same thing; that they have found themselves a part of an online community. Some even make real friends in their book blogging, reviewing journeys.

I also immerse myself into the book reading, reviewing, blogging side of Instagram sometimes (I can be found here), though I could do with perfecting my artistic eye when it comes to taking pictures. Take a look at the shelves at the top of this post again - whether or not something is aesthetically pleasing or not is clearly of secondary importance to me!

This blog is still growing, evolving, and there is much more that I have to learn. I am still not sure that I am getting it "right", whatever that means, but I am enjoying myself more and more. Engaging with other bloggers on social media, exploring my passion for both books and writing in one place, receiving feedback from readers . . . It's all good. 

I hope that the blog continues to grow, finding new readers, and I will be learning new things along the way.

Anyway, I should probably go and read a book so that I've something to write about in my next post!

If you enjoyed this post, or any others, please consider buying me a coffee at ko-fi - every donation helps creative types like myself keep doing what they do, and it's very much appreciated!

Read lots of books. Be kind. Be good. And, go for long walks when the weather is nice.

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