
Maya Angelou, US quarters, and making history!


Maya Angelou (image from New York Times website; nytimes.com)

There is a glut of authors that I have not yet read, writers who have been on my personal reading list for a while. And I am ashamed to say that I have yet to open the covers of a book authored by Maya Angelou. However, I recently purchased Letter to My Daughter, and I am now just awaiting its arrival. I can't tell you why that that is my first purchase of Angelou's writing, just that it came to my attention and it appealed to my interest. That's all.

And, just as I begin my discovery of Angelou's work, she has become the first Black woman to appear on a US quarter (theguardian.com/books/). 

Though I haven't yet read any of Maya Angelou's work, I am aware, of course, of the weight of her writing on the literary landscape, having brought Angelou respect and recognition as a spokesperson for Black people and women. 

I am sure that I will be back to tell you all about my discovery of Angelou's work at a later date.

Thank you for reading. I hope to be back soon, writing about Maya Angelou and her work, and perhaps other small celebrations recognising icons from the world of books and literature.

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  1. I've read I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and enjoyed the book, but this was back in 2009 before I started blogging so I didn't write a review.

    1. That's another book that's on my personal reading list - so many books to read and such little time!
