
Going through the comments . . .


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The first thing I notice, as I take a look at the comments I receive on this blog, is that I don't receive very many comments on this blog. I mean, I have gotten some, but it's not like I am setting the internet ablaze with bookish conversation.

Is it me? I can chaaaaange!


The next thing I notice is that those people who do post a comment are usually the same five or six people. And I love those people (thank you for engaging!), but I can't help but wonder whether the rest of you are left bored by my bookish blog posts? Did you close the page down before you got to the end? 

If you've made it this far I'm impressed. The internet has, as Bo Burnham put it, "a little bit of everything all of the time"; there's a lot for a humble little book blogger to contend with!

Thirdly, I notice the posts which have been commented on most are review posts. But, they don't take the title in a landslide. Instead they only just edge out the other posts with comments. The other posts being discussions with myself on book related topics (bookish social media accounts to follow, bookish controversies, tips on book blogging, etc.).

My book blog is a bit like my bookshelves - a varied and haphazard assortment of diverse contents.

Sometimes I write a post about a classic novel by Jerome K. Jerome, sometimes I write about controversies in the book world, and sometimes I write a review of a non-fiction book on psychology. I sometimes wonder if I haven't crippled myself a little bit by not focusing on one genre. That way people would know what they are getting and I might have guaranteed myself a larger readership.

But, to be honest, I kind of like the freedom in writing about any and all bookish interests, in writing about all of the books I enjoy reading. It does make it harder to create something of a brand/identity though, something to which people can respond with, "Oh yeah, that's the blog where . . . "

I suppose I could set up a number of blogs, each one concentrating on different aspects of my bookish interests. But, to be even more brutally honest, unless I start making money of of this writing lark, I don't have the time or the energy to invest in all that!

When I started blogging, I had no idea what I wanted to achieve. I enjoyed writing and I wanted to make something out of that. I still do. I think I am good at writing. I am not great, and there are others out there in the great big void that is the internet who are struggling away just as much as me, and getting perhaps even less attention than I am. But, there also people out there who are getting engagement I have been dreaming of and  . . . well, I'm better. I said it.

Okay, so I like writing about classic novels, poetry, and bookish topics of interest. But, what do you like reading about? When you come to a book blog, what do you like to read? What is it that makes you feel compelled to become a part of the conversation?

I would love, love, LOVE to build a something of a little community here, in this little humble corner of the digital space we all come to for comfort, entertainment, and information. Wouldn't that be fun?

Please do leave a comment, share a post with your friends, and come back again soon. I'd love to have you back for more bookish discussions and whatnot!

Links to posts that have received comments from readers . . .

(This is not an exhaustive list)

Thank you for reading. Please do leave a comment and some feedback if you have any, it is very much appreciated. And if you've any questions, I shall do my best to answer them. You can support MonstaReader on ko-fi.com with a coffee - the caffeine keeps me writing and reading through the comments! Thank you for your support and your time!

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