
Wondering where you can find some rock 'n' roll between the pages?

 Nine books that rock!

Disclaimer: if you make a purchase through any of the links in this blog, I may earn a commission from the sellers but that does not effect the cost to the consumer, and it does not influence the content of this blog.

And, now that that's out of the way, shall we begin?

1. This is a Call: The Life and Times of Dave Grohl by Paul Brannigan

"Grohl and his groups dissected with gumption." - Mojo

Purchase this book here and be sure to look out for the new book written by the nicest guy in rock himself!

2. Heavier Than Heaven: The Biography of Kurt Cobain by Charles R. Cross

"A superbly researched and harrowing book . . . The squalor is ghastly but the sheer sadness of Cobain's brief life is conveyed here. Cross has painstakingly accumulated a wealth of telling detail." - Robert Sandall in The Sunday Times

You can purchase this book through the Waterstones link on this blog's home page!

3. Chronicles: Volume One by Bob Dylan

Chosen as a book of the year by so many different people it deserves it's very own post!

You can purchase the book here!

4. Bound for Glory by Woody Guthrie

"Wild as a train whistle in the mountains, a scrumptious picture of fighting, carousing, singing, laughing, migratory America." - The New York Times

You can purchase this book here!

5. On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Not a rock 'n' roll novel itself, but one that influenced many of the musicians that would read it!

"It changed my life like it changed everyone else's." - Bob Dylan

You can purchase this book here!

6. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

"This book is undeniably hip, full of student uprisings, free love, booze and 1960s' pop, it's also genuinely emotionally engaging, and describes the highs of adolescence as well as the lows." - Independent on Sunday

You can purchase this book here!

7. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind

A book that Kurt Cobain enthused over and which inspired lyrics for Nirvana's final studio album, In Utero.

You can purchase this book here!

8. Waging Heavy Peace by Neil Young

"Eccentric, sprawling, absorbing. Before you know it you're at page 400 . . . and you don't want it to end. You see rock and roll history from the inside out." - Independent

You can purchase this book here!

9. Touching From a Distance: Ian Curtis & Joy Division by Deborah Curtis

"Revered by his peers and idolised by his fans, Ian Curtis left behind a legacy rich in artistic genius. Mesmerising on stage but introverted and prone to desperate mood swings in his private life, Curtis died by his own hand on 18 May 1980." - from the book's blurb

You can purchase this book here!

Well, that's it, nine rockin' books! If you found anything you like the look of here, you can buy me a coffee over on ko-fi - it keeps me reading and writing! Thank you for reading!

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