
Some reading challenge ideas


Reading challenges can be a great way of getting out of a reading rut, or just introducing something a little different to your TBR pile. Or, it can just be a little bit of fun . . .

A book published in the 1970's

I plucked this decade from thin air. There is no special reason as to why this decade need be the decade you use for this little challenge. In fact, if you want to expand on this little challenge, you could read a book published from every decade over the last century. That sounds like a fun little challenge, and perhaps a way to introduce new books to your shelves. It might also be fun to see how the art of writing has evolved. The great thing about this challenge is that you can pick any genre, any author. But, since I picked the 1970's, let me offer a few suggestions, such as, Carrie by Stephen King; Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson. There are plenty of other great titles to choose from this decade.

A book that features a wedding

Now, this one is a tad more specific, and might at first suggest a selection from the romance genre. And, though it does sometimes unfairly get looked down upon, it is a genre worth exploring. Whether it's Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, or Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, there are plenty of romance novels to choose from. However, weddings aren't always an indication of love and happiness. The unsuccessful wedding of Miss Havisham, in Dickens' Great Expectations has much to do with the shaping of her character and, in turn, the events of the novel. And, in The Princess Bride by William Goldman, the plot is very much driven by the main character's desire to stop a wedding.

A book that has inspired music

Apparently, Katy Perry's song, Firework, was inspired by a passage in Jack Kerouac's On The Road. And, Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights shares its title with Emily Brontë's novel for the very simple reason that it was inspired by the book. In fact, there are a number of songs, in various genres of music, that have been inspired by literary works. If nineties grunge is more your thing, Kurt Cobain was influenced by Patrick Süskind's Perfume when he was writing lyrics for the songs on Nirvana's album, In Utero. Whatever, your favoured genres of music are, there are probably a few songs in your library that are influenced by novels. Why not get your hands on one of those books, and read it while you listen to the music? 

A classic

Chances are that there is a classic title you've had recommended to you, or seen discussed online, that you haven't got around to reading. And, sometimes, the pretentious can make you feel as though you are obliged to read these books. Otherwise, how can you say you're a real bibliophile, right? Well, don't let them put you off. The classics are just stories, just books like the modern ones we read. They come with a certain amount of respect and cultural weight because, after all, they have endured, sometimes for a century and more. Personally, I am a fan of Dickens. But, I would also recommend Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, or Bram Stoker's Dracula (discussed in greater detail here). However, don't lert me tell you what to do. Go find a story you like the sound of, and find a classic for you.

A book you've been had recommended to you

If you're a book lover, and you have bookish friends, chances are, as mentioned above, you've had countless recommendations thrown your way. Reading a book is a very private thing a lot of the time, unless you to choose to read your book aloud to others. And, when we read a book that rocks our world, or one that we just really enjoy, we want to share it with anyone and everyone. Well, pick up one of those books you have been recommended. We follow enough algorithms and advertising in this world, we might be a little better off if we followed the recommendations of some of our living, breathing, loving fellow human beings a little more too.

A book published the year you were born

This one, a little like the first suggestion in this piece, is flexible in terms of genre. Only rule is that it be a book that was published the year you were born. For me, I might pick up Margaret Atwood's popular novel, The Handmaid's Tale. Or maybe The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler. What about you? What books were published the year you were born? Any of them look good?

(Extra points to you if you figured out the year I was born!)

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