
Bookish Thoughts of a Rather Bookish Blogger . . .


I have sometimes wished that I were a little more 'sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll'. You know, a tad more exciting, a few exploits and stories to tell. Alas, I am much more 'books, snacks, and country walks'!

That's not a bad set of ingredients, if you should ever wish to make up a decent enough sort of fellow, but it doesn't make for the sort of person you'd want to find yourself stuck with at a dinner party. Or any sort social gathering really. Trust me on that one.

Let me tell you a few things about myself, to see if you agree. Firstly, I would love it if my waistline could decrease in circumference without my having to give up the foods I love, or engage in any kind of strenuous exercise. I love long walks, and dogs, and, being the creative thinker that I am, I love combining those two loves into, yes, you guessed it, long walks with dogs. And, finally, if you couldn't tell already from the bookish theme running throughout this lil ol' blog of mine, I have a thing for books too!

Like I said, not a bad set of interests, but they don't make for an interesting sort of guy either.

Anyway, I am not that great with people. When I find myself in conversation with one, I often come away with the feeling that at least one of us has been about as awkward as being hit on at a funeral. Usually I suspect that it's me. I wish I were awkward in a sort of flustered, yet charming, Hugh Grant manner, circa Four Weddings and a Funeral. But, I fear, I am more Steve Carrell in  The Office type awkward.

It's far better for everyone if I just stick my nose in a book!

A book is a dream you hold in your hands.

- Neil Gaiman

Neil might be right, and a bookish guy like me (the sort that almost always takes a book almost anywhere) can often appreciate the way in which both books and dreams, when you have finished with them and you've come back to the real world, can remain with you in a sort of hazy, haunting way . . . Problem is, I do sometimes much prefer the books and dreams, and try to get to them as much as I can, sometimes neglecting my real life concerns in favour of the dreams and literature. A hopeless bibliophile. A bookaholic. And, not only do I love to read, but I also harbour writerly ambitions! 

My loved ones are becoming concerned.

As I draw to the end of this little rambling reverie, I find myself wondering, "What the hell am I writing about here?"

And, to that, I say, "Uuuh . . ."

This is a rather a bookish blog, and I sometimes, sort of, think aloud here. Because, I think that the internet can be a great place to find friends, or a sort of community. It can be a place where you feel a little less alone. And, who knows, as you read these rather bookish thoughts, from a rather bookish blogger, perhaps you recognise a little of something in the words.

Or, maybe you don't. I dunno. But, either way, I hope you at least enjoyed the read.

If you did enjoy the read, please consider following/supporting me over at ko-fi - it keeps me in my writerly endeavours, and is very much appreciated!

PS - I am currently reading The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow by Jerome K. Jerome, and yes, the title of this blog post is a reference to that work, if that's what you were wondering.

Read lots, go for long walks, be kind. See you soon!

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